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 clearerr()              Clear Error Indicator for a Stream

 #include <stdio.h>

 void       clearerr(stream);
 FILE       *stream;                     Pointer to file structure

    clearerr() sets the error and end-of-file indicators of the 'stream'
    to 0.

       Returns:     Nothing

         Notes:     Once set, a stream's indicators are not automatically
                    cleared by subsequent operations; operations to the
                    stream will continue to return an error either until
                    clearerr() or rewind() is called, or the stream is

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements open a file, get characters from the file,
    report an error, then clear the indicators (if necessary) and close
    the file.

           #include <stdio.h>

           FILE *stream;
           int c;

               if ((stream = fopen("new.txt","r+"))!= NULL) {
                  while (!feof(stream)){
                        c = getc(stream);
                        if (ferror(stream)) {
                           printf("write error\n");

See Also: eof() feof() ferror() perror()
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